Lumilautailun opettaja 2 -kurssi

Lumilautailun Opettaja 2 -kurssi syventää lumilautailun opettajan ammattitaitoa ja antaa valmiudet toimia lumilautailun opettajana myös edistyneempien oppilaiden kanssa. Kurssilla opettaja oppii analysoimaan sekä omaa että asiakkaan laskemista, tunnistamaan asiakkaan kehityskohteita sekä löytämään ratkaisuja tämän taitojen kehittämiseen. Kurssilla sovelletaan erilaisia taitoharjoittelu- ja opetusmenetelmiä ja myös hyödynnetään sekä jaetaan kurssilaisten omaa tietotaitoa ja opetuskokemusta. Opetusosaamisen kehittämisen tavoitteena on oppilaan paras mahdollinen oppimiskokemus haastavissakin opetustilanteissa. Kurssi antaa myös valmiudet opettamiseen englanniksi perusopetuksessa.

Laajuus: 8,5 päivää = 68 tuntia

  • 1 päivä etänä = ennakkotehtäviä verkko-oppimisympäristössä ennen kurssin alkua
  • 7 päivää yhdessä rinteessä
  • 0,5 päivää etänä lumiosuuden päätyttyä = reflektiotehtävä ja -keskustelu kouluttajan kanssa

    Osallistumisen edellytykset: Kurssille osallistujan tulee olla suorittanut hyväksytysti Shoryn Opettaja 1 -kurssi tai SHKY:n Opettaja 1 -kurssi sekä opetusharjoittelu (20 h) työelämäreflektioineen tai vastaava koulutus jossakin muualla ja EA1-kurssi (tai vastaavat tiedot ja taidot).

  • Kurssin tiedot


    Lumilautailun opettaja 2 -kurssi


    09.12.2024 - 15.12.2024


    Skiresort Iso-Syöte, Pudasjärvi


    SNOWBOARD INSTRUCTOR LEVEL 2 IN ENGLISH. Price for FNASI members 510 e / non-members 550 e. The price includes training and training material. The price does not include lift ticket, accommodation or meals.


    Snowboard Instructor Level 2 in English

    The Instructor 2 course deepens a snowboard instructor's professional skills and provides the competence to teach more advanced students. In the course, the instructor learns to analyze both their own and the student's riding, identify areas for student development, and find solutions to improve their skills. Various skill training and teaching methods are applied during the course, and the participants' own knowledge and teaching experience are also utilized and shared.

    The goal of developing teaching skills is to provide the best possible learning experience for the student, even in challenging teaching situations. The course also equips instructors with the ability to teach in English for basic lessons.

    Duration: 8.5 days = 68 hours

    1 day remotely = preliminary assignments in an online learning environment

    7 days on the slopes

    0.5 days remotely after the course = reflection assignment and discussion with the instructor

    Participation requirements:

    Participants must have successfully completed the FNASI Instructor 1 course or the SHKY Teacher 1 course, 20 hours of teaching practice and a work-life reflection assignment (or equivalent training elsewhere), and a first aid course.

    The program starts at 10 a.m. on the first day of training and ends by 2 p.m. on the last day of training.

    The FNASI membership price of the training is 510 e, the price of the training for NOT FNASI members is 550 e. Prices include VAT 25.5%.
    The price includes training and training material. Does not include lift ticket, accommodation or meals.
    Note! To get the membership price, if not yet a member, join as a member when registering!

    KIDE Hotel by Iso-Syöte,
    Accommodation incl. breakfast 320 e/person (2-3 persons/room)
    Accommodation inquiries and bookings: Mikko Terentjeff,
    Ski pass for the course 150 e.

    Registration by 8 November 2024 at 11 pm.

    The course will be confirmed no later than one month before the start date, depending on whether enough participants. Once the course is confirmed late registrations are possible if places left.

    Payment and cancellation terms:
    FNASI sends the invoice as soon as the implementation of the training has been confirmed, at the latest one month before the start of training. The invoice must be paid by the due date in order to confirm your place in the training. The invoice payment period is 7 days. If you register with less than two weeks until the start of the training, the invoice must be paid before the start of the training.

    Cancelation costs:
    Cancellation 4 weeks before the start of the training - free cancellation
    Cancellation no later than 2 weeks before the start of the training - 50% of the price of the training
    Cancellation less than two weeks before the start of the training - no refund

    Please ensure that your insurance coverage is in place in case of illness

    Billing information
    If the payer of the bill is different from the participant, fill in the necessary information in the "Billing address" field. Use a line break (enter) to get the payer's name and address on different lines.


    +358 45 78348009